Here's why everyone's talking about Jupiter right now (2025)

Here's why everyone's talking about Jupiter right now (1)

THERE’S NOTHING LIKE looking to the stars to make yourself feel a little smaller, in that soothing, ‘putting-things-in-perspective’ kind of way. And if you look up to the night sky this week, you’ll likely feel even smaller than usual — because Jupiter is bigger and brighter than it has been in our skies in almost 60 years.

So it’s likely you’ve heard a lot about the planetary giant over the past few days, and if you’re wondering why there’s so much buzz, we have your answers.

We turned to Professor Jonti Horner, an astrobiologist and astronomer at the University of Southern Queensland, to shed more light on what’s going on with Jupiter this week.

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Why is Jupiter so bright right now?

The short answer is that Jupiter has reached a position in its orbit around the sun where it’s most visible to us on Earth given our own orbit. Professor Horner says this is because while the Earth takes one year to orbit the sun, Jupiter takes a little under 12 years to do so.

“What that means is that, every thirteen months, the Earth will catch Jupiter up, and pass between it and the Sun — just like two cars passing each other on a race track. When that happens, the Earth is closest to Jupiter for that particular year, and, from our point of view, Jupiter is directly opposite the Sun in the sky. That means that Jupiter rises at sunset, and sets at sunrise, and is highest in the sky at midday,” he explains.

“All that put together means that Jupiter is both brightest (because it is closer than normal) and most easily visible (because it is up all night) at this time.”

But even beyond that, our current view of Jupiter is particularly exciting because of the non-circular shape of its orbit.

“The Earth is passing between Jupiter and the Sun at about the same time that Jupiter is at its closest to the Sun — which means the distance between our two planets is about as small as it can get,” Professor Horner adds. The last time the planet was this close to us was 1963 — a whole 59 years ago.

“A typical Jovian opposition (when Jupiter is opposite the Sun in the sky) would have the giant planet about 625 to 630 million kilometres away from Earth, whilst at the moment, the giant planet is about 590 million kilometres distant. Because it is that little bit closer, that means that this opposition is a little bit brighter than normal.”

Jupiter is both BRIGHTEST (because it is CLOSER than normal) and most EASILY VISIBLE (because it is UP all NIGHT) at this time

Here's why everyone's talking about Jupiter right now (2)

When is the best day and time to see Jupiter’s opposition?

Any time this week, you’ll be able to spot the extra-bright, extra-large Jupiter — in fact, you’ll have a few weeks to do so as it gradually moves away again. But Professor Horner says that the good news is that you don’t have to wake yourself at some absurd hour to spot it.

“The beauty of Jupiter being at opposition is that it is visible for the whole night — it rises, low in the East, at sunset, and then is visible for the whole night, setting in the west at around the time the Sun rises in the east,” he says.

“It is highest in the sky at midnight, when it isn’t far from overhead, but in all honesty, you can look at it at almost any time it is above the horizon and it will be bright and spectacular. The higher in the sky it is, the better the view will be, though — so perhaps the best views would be between about 9pm and 3am.”

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Where can you see Jupiter?

In further good news, you don’t need any specialist equipment to view Jupiter right now — look for the brightest thing in the night sky, and you’ve got it, no telescopes required.

“At the moment, because the Moon is new (and therefore out of the way), Jupiter is the brightest thing in the night sky. It is really easy to see with the naked eye — a bright point of light, like a star, but brighter than any star in the night sky (by quite some distance). It is almost so bright that it looks like an aircraft with headlights on!” says Professor Horner.

That said, if you’ve got a pair of binoculars lying around, you can get a little more detail.

“With binoculars, you’d be able to see that Jupiter is a disk, rather than point of light (though probably not see any surface features), and you’d be able to see Jupiter’s four largest moons — the Galilean satellites, strung out in a line next to the planet,” he adds. “Those moons move around quite quickly, so if you look at Jupiter each night, you’d see the moons in different positions each time, which is kind of cool.”

Here's why everyone's talking about Jupiter right now (3)

How rare is this event for Jupiter?

The last time Jupiter was this big and bright in our night’s sky was almost 60 years ago, so this is a pretty big deal.

Jupiter being in opposition is not rare, however — that happens every 13 months, so it’ll be back in opposition in late October 2023. Professor Horner says that it won’t be as close due to the orbital alignments, though you’ll still get a pretty “spectacular” show.

“The next time it will get close to this close will be in twelve years time, when we return to almost the same position — and Jupiter will be just about the same distance away as it is at the moment,” he says.

“The other thing I’d reassure people of is that they won’t miss the show if they can’t see Jupiter tonight or tomorrow — it’ll remain a spectacular sight in our evening sky for weeks to come, as Earth and Jupiter slowly move part again, with our planet pulling ahead in our planetary race around the Sun.”

Here's why everyone's talking about Jupiter right now (2025)


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