What are the best tweezers to pluck your eyebrows with? (2025)

With so many different tweezers shapes out there, it’s hard to know which ones are the best to pluck your eyebrows with. Different shaped tweezers do different jobs so with this in mind, how do you know which to use? Which tweezers are best for ingrown hairs and which ones are great at gripping those tiny wispy hairs? Here we explore the different shapes of the tweezers on the market so you can decide which are the best tweezers to pluck your eyebrows with.
Tweezer shapes explained
The pointed tip tweezer:
What are the best tweezers to pluck your eyebrows with? (1)

If you want extreme precision and want to single out one hair at a time these are the perfect tweezer. They’re also a lot better for really thick, short, stubborn hairs that just won’t come out as they offer a really tight grip. If you have hairs that have become ingrown (or a splinter), these are your ‘go-to’ as they will have that bad boy out in a jiffy! But be careful when using pointed tipped tweezers because they can be sharp enough to pierce the skin!

The pointed tip tweezer:
What are the best tweezers to pluck your eyebrows with? (2)
If you want extreme precision and want to single out one hair at a time these are the perfect tweezer. They’re also a lot better for really thick, short, stubborn hairs that just won’t come out as they offer a really tight grip. If you have hairs that have become ingrown (or a splinter), these are your ‘go-to’ as they will have that bad boy out in a jiffy! But be careful when using pointed tipped tweezers because they can be sharp enough to pierce the skin!

The rounded tip tweezer:
What are the best tweezers to pluck your eyebrows with? (3)

These are the safest tweezers to use because they aren’t anywhere near as sharp as the pointed tip tweezers. Perhaps a good one to start with if you are new to plucking. Whilst they are still great for precision tweezing, they aren’t quite as good as the pointed tip for getting hold of short (or ingrown) hairs. If you regularly suffer from ingrown hairs, perhaps opt for the pointed tip tweezer instead.

The slanted tip tweezer:
What are the best tweezers to pluck your eyebrows with? (4)
These are the safest tweezers to use because they aren’t anywhere near as sharp as the pointed tip tweezers. Perhaps a good one to start with if you are new to plucking. Whilst they are still great for precision tweezing, they aren’t quite as good as the pointed tip for getting hold of short (or ingrown) hairs. If you regularly suffer from ingrown hairs, perhaps opt for the pointed tip tweezer instead.

EyebrowQueens Precision Tweezer
What are the best tweezers to pluck your eyebrows with? (5)
The Tweezer of all tweezers! (We’re sure you will agree!)
Designed by brow specialist Nilam, the Eyebrowqueens precision Tweezers are the first double-ended tweezer of its type in the UK. Not only are they tapered on one side, they have a pointed precision tip on the other making these tweezers perfect for all your tweezing needs. They are perfect for singling out thicker individual brow hairs, removing stubborn ingrown hairs and can easily remove the tiny fine hairs which surround the brows!

Our favourite tweezers

What are the best tweezers to pluck your eyebrows with? (7)
What are the best tweezers to pluck your eyebrows with? (8)
What are the best tweezers to pluck your eyebrows with? (9)
What are the best tweezers to pluck your eyebrows with? (10)
Aside from EyeBrowQueens Precision Tweezers, these are our other favourites on the market:

-Tweezerman Pointed Tweezers

-Boots Precision Grip Slanted Tweezers

-Tweezerman Slant Tweezers

-Bobbi Brown Tweezers

Top tips for looking after your tweezers

Make sure you clean your tweezers regularly to prevent a build up of hair, oils and dirt between the tips.
Don’t store them on their tips. Instead lay them flat so that you don’t make the tips blunt.
Try not to drop your tweezers as this will knock out the alignment making them less likely to grip hairs properly.

Which tweezers are right for me?

Deciding what type of brow hairs you have and how they grow will help you decide which type of tweezers to go for. Thick, full and often ingrown, opt for the precision tweezer. Fine, unruly and wispy, opt for the straight ended tweezer!
Or why not get the best of both worlds and go for the EyebrowQueens Precision Tweezer which has both a slanted end as well as a pointed precision end, allowing you to have one pair of tweezers which are capable of taming and tweezing a variety of eyebrow hair types?

Buy EyebrowQueens Precision Dual-ended tweezers here.

We hope this has helped you decide which tweezer type is best for you and your brows, now it’s down to you to whip them into shape!
To find out which eyebrow shape suits your face shape, head over to our blog and read ‘A guide to Eyebrows shapes for different face types

What are the best tweezers to pluck your eyebrows with? (2025)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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